Welcoming Bobby Maxwell…

How lovely – two cousins born to the Garner branch of the family within 4 days of each other!  Note from Hannah and Ted… Meet Bobby Maxwell Waite, born 17/8/20 @ 7.01pm after a very similar labour to Joni – even ending up being born in the same birthing pool in Exeter! He was 4kg [note to Ed: which the midwives converted to 8.13 but if you use normal conversion charts it’s 8.8 so maybe just Read more…

A new arrival…

It is with enormous excitement that I can announce the safe arrival of our newest family member, Ada Jean Waddell – born on 13th August 2020 at 02:40am at the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Woolwich.  Congratulations Sarah and Blair – we can’t wait to meet her.  More details in the September Bugle.

Coronavirus Special

As we have all found ourselves – wherever we are in the world – impacted by the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all been living through.a period of World history that will never be forgotten.  Rather than sticking with the usual Bugle format, we are thus creating a compilation of news and views throughout the lockdown period to reflect the impact it has had on people’s lives and to celebrate the positives Read more…

Taking a moment…

Producing a Bugle is a few days of ultra-busy as I fit it all in around my normal working day, so the moment I get back from the printers with the warm copies in my hand is always a happy one.  Despite having spent three days editing it all, it’s still a treat to sit down with a cuppa and read it properly.  I like to imagine you all doing the same… xx

PG45 is fast-approaching

Yes, it’s that heady time of year again!  Janet and team are busy organising the 45th Poole Games, to be held this year at Smallwood Manor – possibly the last time we will visit this beautiful venue that has hosted a number of past games.  All details for booking in the latest Bugle (270) – please let Janet know asap if you’d like to come.  See you there!  xx

Much anticipated Christmas edition hits the shelves

Here it is, hot off the press, revealing that the CACK (Cover Art Competition for Kids) was won this year by Sophie.  For the full scoop – and brimming with family news – please grab a hot cup of tea, a warm mince pie, a comfortable chair by the fire and half an hour free with your favourite family mag.  Merry Christmas everyone!  xx

Christmas Bugle Cover Art Competition

Don’t forget all you parents and grandparents out there, that there is a fabulous festive art competition this month for any child artists in our midst.  The only rules are that entrants must be under 16, the picture must be properly Christmassy and it must feature at least one Bugle (as in the Battrick Bugle logo!).  Closing dates for entries is Sunday 9th December EARLY AFTERNOON (the judges are coming together that very day) – Read more…

Summer Loving

Summer is already becoming a distant memory but it was lovely to catch up with everyone’s summer holiday adventures.  Huge apologies that I missed one article out of The Bugle last edition.  Sorry Jane et al – I will tag your entry onto the Christmas edition for posterity, but so many apologies that it was missed out.  xx

Delay in posted Bugles…

I love the cover for this edition – so much happy news!  🙂 There was a delay at the print shop though and so they aren’t going to be able to print the paper Bugles until Tuesday.  So I came back with just the proof copies today but at least the Virtual Buglers have theirs for the weekend.  If you are able to see Barney in the background, you will see him demonstrating his contempt Read more…