How lovely – two cousins born to the Garner branch of the family within 4 days of each other!  Note from Hannah and Ted…
Meet Bobby Maxwell Waite, born 17/8/20 @ 7.01pm after a very similar labour to Joni – even ending up being born in the same birthing pool in Exeter! He was 4kg [note to Ed: which the midwives converted to 8.13 but if you use normal conversion charts it’s 8.8 so maybe just keep 4kg as that’s certain!] and we are both recovering well, mostly tucked inside our little nest. Ted is working his arse off to help us get through each day whilst Joni is a loving and curious big sister – and a classic two year old keeping us busy. We can’t wait to introduce Bobby to the family before too long.   Love to all, Ted, Hannah, Joni and Bobby x
More photos and a blow-by-blow account of the birth to follow in the September Bugle.
Categories: Announcements


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