Thank you to all the brilliant entrants for sending in their artwork for the Christmas cover competition.  The judges didn’t know who had drawn each picture and there was great praise for all the pieces entered – they really were an exceptionally high standard, and are now all adorning my office and making me very happy.  It is with great pleasure that I can announce that the overall winner was Tiana!  Well done Tiana on perfectly capturing the essence of the Battrick sing-alongs in very Christmassy style and with a brilliant Bugle to boot.  Your prize is winging it’s way to you as I type.  Well done angel – it was really lovely.  And thanks to all the entrants – your artwork is included in the Bugle too so you will see that the standard was very high.  I’m thinking this might be an annual event!  🙂

Categories: Bugle


Hannah Waite · 20/12/2018 at 2:23 am

Excellent! I’m so impressed Tiana! Joni was a bit shy this year so I really hope it’s carried on in 2020

    Jenny Spreafico · 20/12/2018 at 7:46 am

    I have just told Tiana and she was chuffed to bits….when I told her about winning a prize she told me she thought the prize was being on the front cover of the Bugle. How about that, what an acalade Katy! 😊 😘

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